
Thank you for participating in our school Read-A-Thon. Read-A-Thon is about encouraging kids to spend time with books and reading, and not about measuring skill or volume. 

Schedule Overview


School Rewards

Prizes based on Fundraising Amounts

Prizes based on Reading Effort

Grand Prize Drawing

Bookmark Contest 2025.pdf
2025 Readathon Envelope.pdf



What reading minutes can we include?

You can include any time where your student is spending time with books or reading. This includes books without words, the back of the cereal box, or even movie captions.

What are we raising money for?

CES PTO works to provide both in-school & family activities for the school community. The Read-A-Thon is our primary fundraising effort that supports all of these activities.

Check out What We Do to learn more was CES PTO helps. 

What are the payment options?

Bookmark Contest

Students can submit an original bookmark design to their teacher. Bookmarks will be voted on during Family Reading Night. The winning bookmarks will be distributed to students who have returned their Read-A-Thon envelope. 

What is a bookworm?

Bookworms are dedicated readers who are our top readers with the most minutes. To celebrate these high achievers, bookworms get to attend the super star party and also recieve a Grand Prize drawing ticket regardless of how much money they raised. 

Bookworms must read the following minutes at home based on their grade.