Upcoming Events



Download our 24/25 calendar. These dates and activities are subject to change. Please subscribe to our Google calendar for up to date and complete information. Click on the calendar image to download a PDF.  


CES PTO meets the first Tuesday of every school month.  We offer light refreshments and childcare during meetings to make it easier for people to come. Meetings start at 6:00 pm, and typically run between 60-90 minutes. Check our Facebook for upcoming meetings. 

Popsicles on the Playground

CES PTO sponsors Popsicles on the Playground during the summer months. It's a great way for kids to engage with friends and stay acquainted with the school community. Kids come and play on the playground and get free popsicles. Parents get to chat and network with other parents. 

Centennial Celebration

Our Back to School Festival with free games and activities! Students and families can come join in the fun celebrating all things Blue Jay. 

Small & Tall Dance

Each Febraury, CES PTO organizes the Small & Tall Family Dance. Everyone gets to boogie in the gym, and do crafts in cafeteria. It's a great free family event for all. 

Classroom Parties

CES PTO sponsors and coordinates the snacks for classroom parties several times a year, including: 


CES PTO coordinates BINGO Night, typically in the fall. This free family event provides both entertainment and prizes.

Family Swim Day

CES PTO sponsors Family Swim Day at Splash! CES students and their families are welcome to swim for FREE. It's a great opportunity to swim with friends and have a good time.


CES PTO sponsors and coordinates the Centennial Read-a-Thon that takes place in the spring. Kids have an opportunity to read and raise money to earn prizes. The Read-a-Thon fundraiser brings in money to help across the whole school.

Donuts & Drop-Off

CES PTO raises funds with the Blue Bag Bottle Drop program. Twice a year we offer donuts in exchange for redeemable cans and bottles when BottleDrop matches funds for an extra boost. 

Family Game Night

CES PTO coordinates a Family [Board] Game Night. Join your fellow Blue Jays for a fun and free family game night! Bring your games and your “A Game” to play with family and friends. You can bring your own games to play, or play one of several that will be available on hand. 

Scholastic Book Fair

CES PTO manages the Scholastic book fair that typically happens during Parent-Teacher Conferences. 

One Book, One School
CES PTO sponsors and coordinates the One Book, One School program--giving  every student a book to read together as a school community. 

Papa's Pizza Night Out
Twice a year, PTO coordinates with Papa's Pizza for a night out. 50% of proceeds go to support our school while giving friends a chance to meet up and play.